Index of help pages

Tuni-additions to LimeSurvey

The server contains few minor additions to plain LimeSurvey.

Theme with two-language logo

Default theme for new survey is tuni_fruity. It has a conditional logo: if the language of the survey is Finnish, then "Tampereen yliopisto" is shown. Otherwise it is "Tampere university".

Otherwise the theme is almost the same as plain fruity, only some colors have minor differences.

Mandatory expiration date

A survey can not be activated if the expiration date is not set.

PLEASE think before setting that. Your survey really not need to be open at year 2100. Our system will scan surveys having expiration date way back in past and sent an email about those. This is usefull, you get notified about data that may not be needed anymore. Data will NOT be automatically deleted after expiration date, but you will get an email asking if you still need it. Also, you can later change the expiration date.

Integration to tuni-accounts

Integration to normal user accounts used in Tampere University (technically, Shibboleth-based login) is done by our own code. Naturally we have also hide the possibility to change your name and email; changes in those will be copied from the main account register to Limesurvey server.

User interface language should be either Finnish or English depending on the native language you have in the main account register.